Before Your Visit

Before Your Initial Consultation

We look forward to meeting you! Please remember to bring the following items to your visit:

  • Patient forms:

  • Driver’s license or valid ID

  • Insurance information

  • Referral letter (if required)

  • List of medications

  • Copies of medical records:

    • If you have had surgery previously, please reach out to the facility where your surgery was performed, request your operative report, and bring this with you to your office visit with Dr. Haskel.

  • Previous imaging:

    • If you have had imaging done previously, please reach out to the facility where the imaging was performed, and request both the report as well as the actual images on a CD. Please bring this with you to your appointment. If you have not had X-rays done recently and you are seeing us for the first time, we likely will request a new set of X-rays on the day of your visit.